Open Space Development completed with success.

For some time, the Colac Otway Shire has been working with community representatives, the Cororooke Tennis Club, other local community groups  to develop the Open Space fronting the Corangamite Lake Road in Cororooke, on land that was initially donated by the Fonterra Australia Group.  The completion of the Open Space Project has received enthusiastic support from local residents and businesses, given the overwhelming benefits of having an area in the Cororooke township available for residents to enjoy, with physical recreation and educational activities.

The Colac Otway Shire has consulted with the Traditional Owners of the Land the Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-Operative Ltd to seek advice and respect for the local Aboriginal community taking into consideration the agriculture and indigenous plants and animals. The Colac Otway Shire has led with a very professional manner and developed appropriate signage for all visitors in the area, inclusive of beautiful animal footprints impressed in the concrete boarders of the pathways on the site. This historical footpath used as a timeline to describe the history of the district from before the volcanic eruption to the present-day paying respect to the custodians of the land.


The Space offers a stunning recreational area for families with young children and adults of all ages to visit, socialise and relax with playground , modern historical QR code information and barbeque facilities. For 10 years prior to 2009, the Cororooke Club had been in remission. At this time, a local band of enthusiastic volunteers re-established the club being the only Club in the local area. The following year, the group began lobbying for an upgrade of its facilities due to the hazardous condition of its existing courts. In December 2017, following 7 long years of lobbying, its 4 new tennis courts and shed were officially opened. On the back of strong membership growth, junior and seniors’ programs and coaching, the Club is a major contributor to the Polwarth and District Tennis Association and the base for local community tennis. This is a low socio-economic area, with high rates of obesity, in a very small farming based community where cultural diversity is celebrated. The Colac Otway Shire supported the Tennis club with grant applications to install water tanks, umpire chairs, beautify the area and to develop a website to provide information about the club, it competitions and opportunities for juniors and senior players including development, coaching, membership, and community sporting events. The opportunity for other sports to occur, such as basketball and netball in time, are activities that promote wellness and physical health and wellbeing in a rural sector.

The Cororooke Tennis Club has gained a sporting facility which accommodates competition and recreational play. Coaching of juniors takes place weekly with a qualified coach along with regular training evenings for the teams playing competitive sport weekly on Saturdays as part of the Polwarth and District Tennis Association.

Many visitors utilise the courts for regular social tennis and exercise classes for woman each week.

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