The Hall
The Cororooke Hall was moved to its current location on the 14th of August 1913 following the building of the Colac Dairying Company (CDC) Butter Factory around the same time, thus helping to establish the new community of Cororooke. The Hall was moved using a steam traction engine from it previous location approximately 1.5km south at what is now known as Old Cororooke.
The Cororooke Hall is owned by the Colac Otway Shire and managed by the local community. It is available for Hire to the public. The Committee is currently upgrading the facilities with new seating and tables, reverse cycle heating & cooling and kitchen.
Some of the many and varied uses of the Hall include –
- Local markets
- Veteran cycling club
- Yoga classes
- Belly Dancing classes
- Parties
- Community meetings, activities and entertainment
Cororooke Hall Address: 580 Corangamite Lake Road, Cororooke 3254
Hall Hire Contact: Cororooke General Store 5233 1266
Committee Members
President: Neil Cook
Vice- President: Geoff Robinson
Secretary: Janette Ross
Treasurer: Ann Duryea
Committee Member: Caroline Grist
Committee Member: Kerrie Thackary
Committee Member: Wayne Burnett
Committee Member: Rod Stevenson
Committee Member: